Own Your Story

Every creation tells a story, celebrating the beauty and brilliance of remarkable women.

Our Values

At our core, we view jewelry as a fusion of style, comfort, and profound connections.

Rooted in heritage, we honor timeless values. Our designs draw inspiration from art and literature, symbolizing genuine expression that resonates with individual flair and personal values.

Infused with an ethos of body-kindness and sustainability, we minimize our impact on both body and Earth through versatile sizes and styles, nudging fashion sharing and recycling.

Our Mission

Our mission is to nurture a profound connection with women, inspiring warmth, and empowerment. Vivian Kirton curates an immersive journey beyond mere adornments.

Reviving a romanticized perspective on life, we nurture the inherent, enchanting essence that lies within every woman.

We strive to cultivate self-compassion, realign harmony, and navigate into clarity for women to own and rejoice in their stories.

Upholding authenticity and goodness, we want each VK Woman to rediscover and embrace the resilient, authentic essence of womanhood.

Our Vision

We envision a future celebrating timeless values through innovative design solutions. We believe in beauty without compromise, where comfort and safety harmonize with aesthetics.

OneRing redefines comfort, and challenging one-size-fits-all in ring sizing. Our adjustable rings effortlessly allow freedom and ease.

Likewise, our Ready Earwear defies the conventional need for ear piercings. With earpieces that use clipping and cuffing for a snug fit, we honor our bodies as they are.